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Fintech Belvo expects to double the number of accounts connected through Open Finance in Brazil by the end of 2023

October 17, 2023
Danylo Martins
Danylo Martins
Jornalista, fundador e publisher do Finsiders
In total, the company claims to have connected data from more than 10 million accounts across the region.
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Latin American fintech Belvo, an Open Finance payments and data platform, expects to double the number of accounts connected through Open Finance in Brazil by the end of 2023. Last year, the company says it connected 2.5 million bank accounts in the country. Thus, the projection is for this number to exceed 5 million this year.

In addition to Brazil, Belvo also has data and payments solutions with Open Finance in Mexico and Colombia. In total, the company claims to have connected data from more than 10 million accounts.

"Our mission is to build the most inclusive financial ecosystem and help businesses reach the full potential of Open Finance. The possibilities are unimaginable," says Albert Morales, CEO of fintech in Brazil, in an early note to Finsiders .

According to him, Belvo is present in all aspects of Open Finance, from data to payments.

"We use our own technology to extract, enrich and initiate payments, and we follow the strictest security standards," the executive says. In fact, he refers to ISO 27001 certification, an international standard for information security. "As a result, we have witnessed an exponential growth in demand," Albert points out.

One of the segments in which Belvo has grown is accounting. In the last year, for example, the number of clients in this area increased sixfold. The expectation is to "reach an even larger share" of the market by 2023, says the fintech. Companies such as Conta Azul, Nibo and Contabilizei have already enabled access to corporate data in their operations through Belvo's solutions.

Credit scoring and payments

On another front, Belvo announced in June an agreement with analytics and scoring software company FICO to develop credit scoring based on Open Finance data. The solution should be on the market by January 2024. In payments, the fintech started acting as a payment transaction initiator (PTI) and also bought payments company Skilopay .

Founded in 2019 by Spaniards Pablo Viguera and Uri Tintore, Belvo arrived in Brazil in 2020, as a report by Finsiders revealed at the time . It currently has a portfolio of more than 150 clients in the three countries (Brazil, Mexico and Colombia) where it operates, including names such as Mercado Livre , Rappi , Tribanco , Conta Azul , Will Bank , among others. The fintech platform has connections with more than 60 institutions.


With the growing interest of companies from different sectors to take advantage of data shared through Open Finance, Belvo is not alone in having solutions in this market. Companies such as Klavi , Finansystech (from Celcoin ), Lina Open X and Pluggy are also advancing in the sector.

The latter, for example, is adding the so-called "connector" to the Central Bank (CB) regulated environment, as co-founder Bruno Loiola reveals first-hand to Finsiders.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

Latin American fintech Belvo, an Open Finance payments and data platform, expects to double the number of accounts connected through Open Finance in Brazil by the end of 2023. Last year, the company says it connected 2.5 million bank accounts in the country. Thus, the projection is for this number to exceed 5 million this year.

In addition to Brazil, Belvo also has data and payments solutions with Open Finance in Mexico and Colombia. In total, the company claims to have connected data from more than 10 million accounts.

"Our mission is to build the most inclusive financial ecosystem and help businesses reach the full potential of Open Finance. The possibilities are unimaginable," says Albert Morales, CEO of fintech in Brazil, in an early note to Finsiders .

According to him, Belvo is present in all aspects of Open Finance, from data to payments.

"We use our own technology to extract, enrich and initiate payments, and we follow the strictest security standards," the executive says. In fact, he refers to ISO 27001 certification, an international standard for information security. "As a result, we have witnessed an exponential growth in demand," Albert points out.

One of the segments in which Belvo has grown is accounting. In the last year, for example, the number of clients in this area increased sixfold. The expectation is to "reach an even larger share" of the market by 2023, says the fintech. Companies such as Conta Azul, Nibo and Contabilizei have already enabled access to corporate data in their operations through Belvo's solutions.

Credit scoring and payments

On another front, Belvo announced in June an agreement with analytics and scoring software company FICO to develop credit scoring based on Open Finance data. The solution should be on the market by January 2024. In payments, the fintech started acting as a payment transaction initiator (PTI) and also bought payments company Skilopay .

Founded in 2019 by Spaniards Pablo Viguera and Uri Tintore, Belvo arrived in Brazil in 2020, as a report by Finsiders revealed at the time . It currently has a portfolio of more than 150 clients in the three countries (Brazil, Mexico and Colombia) where it operates, including names such as Mercado Livre , Rappi , Tribanco , Conta Azul , Will Bank , among others. The fintech platform has connections with more than 60 institutions.


With the growing interest of companies from different sectors to take advantage of data shared through Open Finance, Belvo is not alone in having solutions in this market. Companies such as Klavi , Finansystech (from Celcoin ), Lina Open X and Pluggy are also advancing in the sector.

The latter, for example, is adding the so-called "connector" to the Central Bank (CB) regulated environment, as co-founder Bruno Loiola reveals first-hand to Finsiders.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

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