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Mapa de Startups en el negocio del Open Banking en América Latina

April 11, 2020
Where Latam Fintech makers get connected.
Latam Fintech Hub
Las Fintechs y la banca encuentran en Open Banking el modelo que le permitirá generar un mayor valor y ventaja competitiva dentro de un mercado tan disputado como el de la industria financiera. Conoce las primeras startups en América Latina que están emergiendo en este negocio.
Contenido para Usuarios 🔒

Finerio Connect

Conecta con la visión 360º de tus clientes. En Finerio Connect tenemos la tecnología lista para ayudar a las fintechs, bancos e instituciones financieras a actualizar sus servicios al instante, para así, impulsar aún más el bienestar financiero de las personas. Somos la primera API de open banking en América Latina con servicios de punta a punta listos para implementarse. Cuenta con los siguientes productos:

  • Agregación de cuentas
  • Enriquecimiento de datos
  • Personal Finance Management


Build the future of fintech in Latin America by an Open Banking API platform and the easiest way for users to connect their bank account or tax authority to an app. Products:

  • Personal finances
  • Accounting and ERP
  • Credit
  • Account authentication


Minka is a transactional HUB that built a new open infrastructure for money in LATAM. We offer an Open Banking Cloud in order to use and transfers of money more quickly, safely and at a low cost. We are providing open infrastructure that enables organizations to build fast, modern and low-cost financial solutions in days instead of years with a mission to improve the way Latin America interacts with money. We are currently working with more than 30 financial institutions and we are the first open banking platform in Latin America.


Servicios de identidad digital personal, que permiten transacciones y autenticación entre el sector privado y el gobierno.  Basado en biometría, prevención de fraude, información personal, privacidad y seguridad.


Para creadores de soluciones financieras que quieren innovar pero les cuesta mucho tiempo y dinero conectarse con otros actores, Nubloq ofrece un ecosistema integral, una plataforma de colaboración competitiva para exponer y consumir API’s e información.


We connect banks, fintechs and users on a secure and transparent platform. A How much is the future of financial services: customized, automated and with the user in control, always. Their solutions are:

  • Quanto App: Your passport to the best of financial technology.
  • Quanto OS: An end-to-end open-banking solution for banks and fintechs.
  • Vaulter: A secure data warehouse. Your data, under your control.
  • Boarder: An API for fintechs and IFs to accelerate their onboarding.


Fitbank is the most open multi-portfolio Open Banking platform, focused on the most complete management, reconciliation, monitoring and payment settlement in Brazil. Their solutions are:

  • Paying - Cash Out: Bill payment and prepaid card with 100% integration of the national banking system.
  • Online Treasury: Control and visibility in company approvals and expenses, centralized on a single platform.
  • Digital Accounts: Manage, pay and authorize your financial transactions in one place, with full details of the information
  • Integration with ERPs: Integrate our solutions into your company's ERP and have all the financial management on a single platform.
  • Marketplace Solutions: Split focusing on the individual instead of the transaction, Payout Split, Peer-to-Peer Transfers (P2P) and more
  • Smart Escrow: Make receivables available in a safe and agile way.


Through a simple and intuitive interface create your batch of payments, if you prefer to import a spreadsheet or directly integrate your financial system with Transfeera.

Celcoin F.hub

With Celcoin F.Hub's open banking APIs with just one integration you have a robust solution with full banking backend. Speed up the launch of your financial services! Their solutions are recharges, transportation, streaming and prepaid television, digital content and cash-in/cash-out.


We have the best APIs on the market that allow you to provide financial services to your customers with complete autonomy, from a TED to a standard card with a full digital account. Their solutions are:

  • Card: We offer issuance, processing and management of personalized mastercard banner cards.
  • Account: Opening PF and PJ accounts that allow bank transfers and consultation of the statement on the platform.
  • Payroll: Carry out a batch payment on your employees' account through internal transfers without bureaucracy.


Open Banking platform, safe and robust, based on Blockchain. Their solutions are:

  • Digital Account: All Bit Capital portfolios have internal resources for Boleto and other local notes, based on QR and numeric codes.
  • White Label Card: For both the company and the brand, adopting a strategy with the white label is to create a different treatment for the customer, as he will feel that personalization shows a greater interest in keeping him in the portfolio.
  • Core Banking Software: For companies that have their own banking license, we offer cloud infrastructure, core banking based on blockchain, and integration with the national financial system network. The platform will be able to easily manage accounts, transactions and reports to the Central Bank in a few weeks, giving efficiency to those who do not wish to have their own technology and compliance structure.

Stark Bank

The first banking API in Brazil. Simplify and automate processes, facilitate reconciliation and scale your company by doing all your banking operations via API. Their solutions are:

  • Offer Boletos to scale your payments: Easily manage your billing portfolio and conciliation via API, platform or Excel.
  • Scale your business running a large volume of payments: The fastest and easiest way to handle payments for growing businesses.


Ya sea que estés desarrollando una plataforma de préstamos, un crowdfunding, un gerente de finanzas personales o un nuevo servicio financiero, Prometeo te conecta con la información bancaria de tus usuarios, para que tú puedas concentrarte en el core de tu negocio.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

Finerio Connect

Conecta con la visión 360º de tus clientes. En Finerio Connect tenemos la tecnología lista para ayudar a las fintechs, bancos e instituciones financieras a actualizar sus servicios al instante, para así, impulsar aún más el bienestar financiero de las personas. Somos la primera API de open banking en América Latina con servicios de punta a punta listos para implementarse. Cuenta con los siguientes productos:

  • Agregación de cuentas
  • Enriquecimiento de datos
  • Personal Finance Management


Build the future of fintech in Latin America by an Open Banking API platform and the easiest way for users to connect their bank account or tax authority to an app. Products:

  • Personal finances
  • Accounting and ERP
  • Credit
  • Account authentication


Minka is a transactional HUB that built a new open infrastructure for money in LATAM. We offer an Open Banking Cloud in order to use and transfers of money more quickly, safely and at a low cost. We are providing open infrastructure that enables organizations to build fast, modern and low-cost financial solutions in days instead of years with a mission to improve the way Latin America interacts with money. We are currently working with more than 30 financial institutions and we are the first open banking platform in Latin America.


Servicios de identidad digital personal, que permiten transacciones y autenticación entre el sector privado y el gobierno.  Basado en biometría, prevención de fraude, información personal, privacidad y seguridad.


Para creadores de soluciones financieras que quieren innovar pero les cuesta mucho tiempo y dinero conectarse con otros actores, Nubloq ofrece un ecosistema integral, una plataforma de colaboración competitiva para exponer y consumir API’s e información.


We connect banks, fintechs and users on a secure and transparent platform. A How much is the future of financial services: customized, automated and with the user in control, always. Their solutions are:

  • Quanto App: Your passport to the best of financial technology.
  • Quanto OS: An end-to-end open-banking solution for banks and fintechs.
  • Vaulter: A secure data warehouse. Your data, under your control.
  • Boarder: An API for fintechs and IFs to accelerate their onboarding.


Fitbank is the most open multi-portfolio Open Banking platform, focused on the most complete management, reconciliation, monitoring and payment settlement in Brazil. Their solutions are:

  • Paying - Cash Out: Bill payment and prepaid card with 100% integration of the national banking system.
  • Online Treasury: Control and visibility in company approvals and expenses, centralized on a single platform.
  • Digital Accounts: Manage, pay and authorize your financial transactions in one place, with full details of the information
  • Integration with ERPs: Integrate our solutions into your company's ERP and have all the financial management on a single platform.
  • Marketplace Solutions: Split focusing on the individual instead of the transaction, Payout Split, Peer-to-Peer Transfers (P2P) and more
  • Smart Escrow: Make receivables available in a safe and agile way.


Through a simple and intuitive interface create your batch of payments, if you prefer to import a spreadsheet or directly integrate your financial system with Transfeera.

Celcoin F.hub

With Celcoin F.Hub's open banking APIs with just one integration you have a robust solution with full banking backend. Speed up the launch of your financial services! Their solutions are recharges, transportation, streaming and prepaid television, digital content and cash-in/cash-out.


We have the best APIs on the market that allow you to provide financial services to your customers with complete autonomy, from a TED to a standard card with a full digital account. Their solutions are:

  • Card: We offer issuance, processing and management of personalized mastercard banner cards.
  • Account: Opening PF and PJ accounts that allow bank transfers and consultation of the statement on the platform.
  • Payroll: Carry out a batch payment on your employees' account through internal transfers without bureaucracy.


Open Banking platform, safe and robust, based on Blockchain. Their solutions are:

  • Digital Account: All Bit Capital portfolios have internal resources for Boleto and other local notes, based on QR and numeric codes.
  • White Label Card: For both the company and the brand, adopting a strategy with the white label is to create a different treatment for the customer, as he will feel that personalization shows a greater interest in keeping him in the portfolio.
  • Core Banking Software: For companies that have their own banking license, we offer cloud infrastructure, core banking based on blockchain, and integration with the national financial system network. The platform will be able to easily manage accounts, transactions and reports to the Central Bank in a few weeks, giving efficiency to those who do not wish to have their own technology and compliance structure.

Stark Bank

The first banking API in Brazil. Simplify and automate processes, facilitate reconciliation and scale your company by doing all your banking operations via API. Their solutions are:

  • Offer Boletos to scale your payments: Easily manage your billing portfolio and conciliation via API, platform or Excel.
  • Scale your business running a large volume of payments: The fastest and easiest way to handle payments for growing businesses.


Ya sea que estés desarrollando una plataforma de préstamos, un crowdfunding, un gerente de finanzas personales o un nuevo servicio financiero, Prometeo te conecta con la información bancaria de tus usuarios, para que tú puedas concentrarte en el core de tu negocio.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

Este contenido es solo para
usuarios Prime 👑 del Hub.

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