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Central Bank kicks off its Regulatory Sandbox for financial innovation in Brazil

October 27, 2020
Banco Central BR
Banco Central BR
Es la máxima autoridad monetaria en Brasil, encargada de las finanzas y la economía en el país.
The Central Bank's regulatory Sandbox is already a reality!
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The approvals of CMN Resolutions 4,865 and 4,866 and Resolution BCB 29, respectively, by the National Monetary Council (CMN) and by the BC Collegiate Board, kicked off the project, which is part of the BC # Agenda in the competitiveness dimension.

“The Regulatory Sandbox is an environment in which entities are authorized by the Central Bank to test, for a determined period, innovative projects in the financial or payment area, observing a specific set of regulatory provisions that support the controlled and delimited performance of their activities”, explained the BC Regulation director, Otávio Damaso.

During the testing period, companies are subject to different regulatory and monitoring requirements.

While the idea is being developed, the Central Bank will have access to the results obtained and assess the risks associated with the new products. If there is a problem, innovation can be limited or even prohibited. On the other hand, if the experiment is successful, large-scale marketing can be released.

“The objective of BC's Regulatory Sandbox is to enable the entry of innovative business models that add efficiency gains, reach a wider audience and bring more competition to the country's financial and payment systems,” said Damaso. In addition, the Central Bank will be alert to projects that also preserve the security and efficiency of these systems.

In practice

Starting today, the Central Bank will prepare for the establishment of the norms related to the first cycle of the project - scheduled to be launched next year. "Information on the registration process and more details on the subject will be released in the coming months," warned the deputy chief at the Financial System Regulation Department (Denor), Paula Ester Farias.

Even so, future postulants to participate in the action led by the Central Bank must already be certain that they will have to adapt to some requirements, such as: strict observation of the rules to prevent money laundering and to combat the financing of terrorism; compliance with BC rules on the handling of complaints made by its customers and users; carrying out transactions with integrity, reliability, security and confidentiality; in addition to making it clear to its eventual customers that the product / service is developed within the Regulatory Sandbox of the Central Bank.

At the end of the test cycle accompanied by the BC, participants will have the chance to obtain definitive authorization to operate in the National Financial System (SFN). "The projects developed may also serve as a basis for improving the regulations of the BC and CMN", concluded the deputy chief at Denor.

In Brazil and worldwide

In addition to the Central Bank, the other bodies that are structuring their sandbox model in the country are the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) and the Private Insurance Superintendence (Susep).
While the BC's action deals with the financial and payment systems, CVM's Regulatory Sandbox refers to the capital market and Susep's refers to the private insurance market. To improve their respective projects, the three bodies have been exchanging ideas and suggestions on the subject.

The regulatory Sandbox originated in 2015 in the United Kingdom. Currently, in addition to the United Kingdom, the experience is present in several European and Asian countries, in Australia, Canada and in some countries in Africa and the Middle East.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y de ellas son responsables sus autores. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento u opinión de Latam Fintech Hub, por lo cual no pueden ser interpretadas como recomendaciones emitidas por la platafomra. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista sobre el ecosistema Fintech.

The approvals of CMN Resolutions 4,865 and 4,866 and Resolution BCB 29, respectively, by the National Monetary Council (CMN) and by the BC Collegiate Board, kicked off the project, which is part of the BC # Agenda in the competitiveness dimension.

“The Regulatory Sandbox is an environment in which entities are authorized by the Central Bank to test, for a determined period, innovative projects in the financial or payment area, observing a specific set of regulatory provisions that support the controlled and delimited performance of their activities”, explained the BC Regulation director, Otávio Damaso.

During the testing period, companies are subject to different regulatory and monitoring requirements.

While the idea is being developed, the Central Bank will have access to the results obtained and assess the risks associated with the new products. If there is a problem, innovation can be limited or even prohibited. On the other hand, if the experiment is successful, large-scale marketing can be released.

“The objective of BC's Regulatory Sandbox is to enable the entry of innovative business models that add efficiency gains, reach a wider audience and bring more competition to the country's financial and payment systems,” said Damaso. In addition, the Central Bank will be alert to projects that also preserve the security and efficiency of these systems.

In practice

Starting today, the Central Bank will prepare for the establishment of the norms related to the first cycle of the project - scheduled to be launched next year. "Information on the registration process and more details on the subject will be released in the coming months," warned the deputy chief at the Financial System Regulation Department (Denor), Paula Ester Farias.

Even so, future postulants to participate in the action led by the Central Bank must already be certain that they will have to adapt to some requirements, such as: strict observation of the rules to prevent money laundering and to combat the financing of terrorism; compliance with BC rules on the handling of complaints made by its customers and users; carrying out transactions with integrity, reliability, security and confidentiality; in addition to making it clear to its eventual customers that the product / service is developed within the Regulatory Sandbox of the Central Bank.

At the end of the test cycle accompanied by the BC, participants will have the chance to obtain definitive authorization to operate in the National Financial System (SFN). "The projects developed may also serve as a basis for improving the regulations of the BC and CMN", concluded the deputy chief at Denor.

In Brazil and worldwide

In addition to the Central Bank, the other bodies that are structuring their sandbox model in the country are the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) and the Private Insurance Superintendence (Susep).
While the BC's action deals with the financial and payment systems, CVM's Regulatory Sandbox refers to the capital market and Susep's refers to the private insurance market. To improve their respective projects, the three bodies have been exchanging ideas and suggestions on the subject.

The regulatory Sandbox originated in 2015 in the United Kingdom. Currently, in addition to the United Kingdom, the experience is present in several European and Asian countries, in Australia, Canada and in some countries in Africa and the Middle East.

Las opiniones compartidas y expresadas por los analistas son libres e independientes, y solamente sus autores son responsables de ellas. No reflejan ni comprometen el pensamiento o la opinión del equipo de Latam Fintech Hub y, por lo tanto, no pueden interpretarse como recomendaciones emitidas por la plataforma. Esta plataforma es un espacio abierto para promover la diversidad de puntos de vista en el ecosistema Fintech.

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Resoluções CMN 4.865 e 4.866 e da Resolução BCB 29

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