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Open Summit Awards 2023

8:00 am
6:00 am
8:00 am
Horario sujeto a cambios. Incluye coffee breaks ☕ y almuerzo de networking 🍔
Lugar y Ciudad
São Paulo
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Impuestos incluidos. 220 USD aprox. Tasa de cambio varía todos los días.
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Los detalles de acceso se envían al e-mail
The connection details will be sent to the e-mail. The session will be in English.

A memorable meeting in São Paulo
The Open Summit Awards is an unmissable annual event for professionals and enthusiasts in the world of technology, innovation and entrepreneurship in the financial market. With a focus on networking and recognizing the best practices and professionals in the sector, the Open Summit Awards brings together experts, leaders and visionaries from the market for an inspiring and transformative evening.

Join us on November 23, 2023, in São Paulo, for a unique experience of connections. You'll have the chance to connect with other industry professionals and entrepreneurs in moments of relaxed interaction.

The Open Summit Awards is a special occasion to celebrate and recognize outstanding achievements and innovations in the sector. During the awards ceremony, the winners in various categories will be announced. Don't miss this opportunity to be inspired, learn and connect with the best in the industry.

Secure your place at the Open Summit Awards and be part of this enriching experience. Register now and get ready for an unforgettable evening of learning, networking and celebration!


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Somos Ox
The biggest event in Brazil with specialists in Open Banking, Payments, Fintechs, Open Insurance and financial innovation.
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